Open Positions
For open positions, please follow our public announcements on our website or on social media accounts. Unless indicated otherwise, please pay attention to the following criteria:
- Include a 'Letter of Intent', clearly stating your motivation in applying for the position. We only accept PDF format.
- Include a 'CV', including chronological information on your education and previous working experience. You may include a personal reference list. We only accept PDF format.
- Include a 'Portfolio', including the selected examples of your work. Make sure to indicate your personal role in every project you present. We only accept PDF format. The file must be smaller than 20MBs. Please do NOT send separate files in other formats (TIF, JPG, PSD, etc.). We also accept online portfolio links (behance, issue, etc.).
- When combined, the pack size should not exceed 25MBs.
- Please send your applications to [studio@evrenbasbug.com].
- We do not accept applications with hardcopies.
- We always inform the applicants regardless of the outcome of their application.
No Positions
You may apply for a position even when there are no available ones. If you do so, your application together with the files you provided, will be stored in our database for future reference. However, in such a case, we won't inform you unless we are interested in hiring you.
For internships, please follow our public announcements on our website or on social media accounts. For the summer period, we generally make a public announcement on April or May. Please keep in mind that you may not receive a reply for any internship applications made before our public announcement.