For publication requests regarding our projects, please contact our office via []. It would be more practical if you'd give us a call after you send us an e-mail. In any case, please read the terms & conditions before you contact us.
Terms & Conditions:
1 / In your e-mail message, please give basic information on the publication by providing the following information:
> Please provide information on the name, the nature (printed or online), the language and the publishing frequency (periodical or not periodical) of the publication.
> Please provide information on the main focus (architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, etc.) of the publication.
> If both are applicable, please provide information on your intentions to publish our work either on the online or the printed (or both) versions?
> Please provide information on the scheduled / planned date of the publication?
> Prior to publishing, please send us the draft version of the relevant parts (the cover design, the page designs or the temporary link) of the publication for review.
2 / In certain special cases, we may prepare a customized pack regarding your publishing requirements, but generally we are going to send you a pre-compiled standard press pack. We hope you will understand that we are unable to deal with every request due to our intensive working schedule.
3 / Please pay attention to correctly and fully depict the project credits and photography credits.
4 / If you have a policy to pay royalties the photographers, please contact us first, since we may have a different professional aggreement with the photographer.